Our Dedicated Committee
The Group aims to:
advance the knowledge of environmental development and allied professionals and the wider community.
provide state of the art information on the management of the built and natural environment.
promote cooperation and fellowship amongst its members.
represent its members in matters affecting, relating or pertaining to the professions, and for this purpose to issue or make statements, comments or submissions to the public, government or any institution or authority.
liaise with other organisations in matters relating to the group or its members or the public interest.
provide a resource for career development for its members.
provide a network of professional contacts and exchange of information among colleagues in government and the private sector.
Vice President/Public Officer
Neil Diamond
Procert Group Pty Ltd
Mark Robertson
Dubbo City Council
Erika Mackenzie
Hilltops Council Email: erika.mackenzie@hilltops.nsw.gov.au
Isabel Holmes
Wedin Shire Council
Alan Lindsay ARLConsulting
PH: 0419 619 761 Email: arlconsulting@bigpond.com